Monday, June 8, 2009

Elias Waldon

A week ago tomorrow, June 2nd, my sweet sister gave birth to Elias Waldon. It killed me not to be there right when he was born but this weekend was a great time of loving on Elias, trying to help my sister and trying to help with Miss Sydney. :)

I don't have a lot of pictures so I thought I would share some highlights from the weekend with my fam:

1. Sydney calling for "Auntie" every few minutes and following me around...even wanting to go into the bathroom with me.

2. Sydney saying "I have a question for you" as she was in her play store.

3. Seeing Tiffany loving on Elias while also loving on Sydney and having more patience than I can understand for a 2.5 year old!

4. Walking to Taco Time (the food was nasty but the memory is great) with Sydney and Dad.

5. Snuggling with a sleepy Sydney while Tif was at the doctors.

6. Having Sydney look at me and everyone else at the dinner table wide-eyed and saying, "Ha! Her all done" after Tiffany said that I would play with her when I was done eating my dinner.

7. Snuggling with tiny Elias.

8. This should be #1 probably....walking in and seeing Elias for the first time. He was on the couch all snuggled up, I almost didn't even see him!

9. Talking with Tif right before I left.

10. Hearing Sydney say, "Here is my baby brother."

The weekend was great and I am looking forward to going back to help Tif out. Having a newborn and a 2.5 year old can wear you out! Tif, you have my respect and admiration! Love you!

1 comment:

Tiffany said...

Awh, thanks for the sweet post. I also loved Sydney's exclamation over you being done with your dinner and clearly ready to play some more. She asked for you for the 24 hours after you left, so you will be most welcome when you come back to play some more! Thanks for lovin' on my girl, even when she was such a stinker!