Sunday, June 28, 2009

End of the School Year

With a field trip to Pioneer Farms and Field Day on the last week of school...things were a bit crazy but I loved every minute of it! Here are some pictures of my cute students on these days.

Andrew, Elliott and Amy enjoying a break. Notice Nicholas and Connor in the background, in trouble and sitting on the bleachers...good times!

Nathan being his silly self.

A wagon ride at Pioneer Farms

My sweet students listening attentively!

Joe practicing his shaving skills on Connor!

The end of the school year is always such a hard transition time for me, I cry every year on this day! It definitely is bittersweet though, I am looking forward to some time off but not liking the idea of letting go of these 17 precious lives that I invested in for ten months. I don't do well with change and this always seems to send me over the edge! My kids were super sweet the last day of school and I had so many encouraging words from parents that day. Wow!

It took me a while to get used to this time that I now have. I would find myself sitting on the couch, not knowing what to do with myself because I am so used to being on the go and constantly having something to do. I have had a great first two weeks of summer, relaxing and going on many coffee dates with dear friends. The sad part is that I start summer school tomorrow and that lasts for the next four weeks, so goodbye to my time off. I will survive though! :) After this four weeks is up, I have Disneyworld and Kirsti's wedding to look forward to.

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