Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Different Generations

Today my students went on a field trip to a retirement center and played BINGO with the residents there. It was amazing to watch the interactions between the students and the older folks. At first, my students eyes were about to bulge out of their sockets as they had no idea what to do (even though I prompted them on what to do and say) and at the end of our time, they were sad to leave and saying goodbye to their new friends. It was a joy to watch this interaction.

With people at retirement homes, you never know what to expect. You never know if they will really talk to you or just stare at your blankly. I struck up a conversation with a lady who had been a teacher for over 40 years and I really enjoyed our conversation. It got me thinking how fun it would be to visit people in retirement homes and just get to know them and their stories. I don't have a lot of extra time but would love to make some extra time in order to do this.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

Why I love teaching...

So, my kiddos are learning about the Pilgrims seeing that it is November. We are doing a stimulation activity that is a lot of fun, basically they have to pretend they are living in the time of Pilgrims and arriving in a new land.

Today we were playing a game where they have to answer questions and based on their answer, they were able to move their ship toward America. As one of my groups was answering a question, I look over and see another group on their knees praying that God would give them the right answer. They were SO serious about this and one teammate was actually coaching another. It was the cutest thing!!! I looked over and just had the hugest smile on my face when I realized what they were doing. How precious!