Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Miss Bobst rocks because....

...she is funny and makes us laugh
...she cries when she laughs
...she is pretty (author=troublemaker)
...she has patience when we do not listen
...she is easy to love
...she teaches art and math in a really fun way
...I have learned a lot this year and do not want to leave this class (author=troublemaker)
...she is honest
...she helps me when I am sad
...she is a good person
...she makes sense
...she is a great role model
...she has a big heart for kids
...her good deeds remind us about the heart of Jesus
..she laughs at my jokes

These phrases and more were in my classroom this morning along with more flowers and some goodies. I loved reading their little sayings. My biggest troublemakers were the ones that wrote the sweetest things.

And who said teaching isn't rewarding?


Anonymous said...

Ahhhhh...how sweet. How great to know you are loved by your students!


Tiffany said...

Heather stole my comment. so, ditto. Awwwwhh.