You know how I know I love my job? I wasn't counting down the days until spring break. Now don't get me wrong, I am loving some time off and hanging out with Mom and Dad and old friends in Auburn but it is not like I am needing a reprieve or to get away. I love that. I love that I love my job and the life I have created in Seattle. I have the most amazing friends, an amazing church, the best roommates anyone could ask for and a great job that I am excited to go to every morning. Life is good!
I took some pretty great pictures over the last few weeks of my students but forgot my camera so I will have to upload them when I get back to Seattle. My kids are so cute and so fun to be around. They make me laugh on a daily basis and are very intelligent. I especially liked this last week as we walked through the Easter story as a class. I read a few parts each day to my students and then had them write a journal entry as if they were one of the disciples that witnessed that event. It was incredible. On the first day, I read their papers with tears in my eyes. They are so spiritually intuitive and I found myself learning and listening to God along with them! They were so struck by the idea that God knew their name and what type of person they would be as He was dying on the cross. They had great questions that I didn't have answers to but they brought about great discussions. Some of these questions included:
-If we were the last person on earth and Christ died for us (this is a concept we talked about and Todd also brought it up in chapel), then who would beat and hang Jesus on the cross? WHOA! Good question! :)
-You mean God forgives and loves the robbers who robbed the store by my house?
See why I love my job so much? :)
The only bummer part about spring break is that I have a huge project due at the end of my week for one of my master's courses! I wish my spring break from SPU coincided with my teaching spring break...oh well! I really am looking forward to some coffee dates, shopping with mom and so much more. Right now I will continue to enjoy watching the Kings games with my Dad...these times are some of my favorite memories!
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