Heather's new little peanut was born 10 days ago, October 1st. He is absolutely beautiful and I love being his auntie! I love seeing Steve and Heather as parents of 2 and Micah demonstrating that he has the skills he needs to be a big brother! :) I was over there today and I would be holding Levi and Micah would come right up to us and give Levi a kiss along with a sweet pat...he is in love with his baby brother and that is so sweet to see.
Here are a few of my favorite pictures. There is a movie on the bottom showing how sweet Micah and Sydney play together (along with Grandpa Jim).

My favorite picture of all....they are both just adoring each other! How sweet!
Other than enjoying my new role as an auntie to another little peanut, life is extremely full. I started my master's degree last week at Seattle Pacific, am coaching middle school volleyball, teaching 2nd grade and trying to have fun as much as I can! :)